Vänerterminalen in Karlstad is our single biggest resource for warehousing and cargo handling. We store, process and reload primarily paper products between different carriers.
Trucks roll into Vänerterminalen 24 hours a day, year round.
Goods are sorted and loaded sequentially according to manifests. Computerised warehouse solutions using bar codes on the goods and computer monitors in the forklifts ensure maximum efficiency.
Railway tracks go all the way into the terminal, so all cargo can be loaded under cover of the roof. Vänerterminalen also has its own berths for ships and has the capacity to handle more than 800,000 tonnes of cargo annually.
Since 1998, all information about cargo and documentation for Vänerterminalen’s biggest customer is fully digital.
The terminal’s many forklifts are equipped with computers and bar code readers. All incoming goods are scanned right at the forklift, where the driver can immediately read where and how the goods are to be stored. The computer on the forklift then updates the warehouse with the specific location of the goods.
The customer sends us loading and picking instructions. The lift driver loads and scans the rolls based on this data and returns confirmation of the number of rolls loaded on which carrier. All data transfer uses standardised EDI communication.
Computerised handling ensures that the right goods are loaded and also makes document management, traceability and goods inspection more efficient.
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